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H2CAST Etzel – Making energy transition work. | Home

H2CAST Etzel

Making energy transition work.

About the project

The H2CAST Etzel project is intended to demonstrate the feasibility of large-volume underground storage of hydrogen and to prove the suitability of the salt caverns in Etzel for hydrogen storage. Operational hydrogen storage operations will be tested and serve to build a hydrogen service industry. H2CAST stands for H2 CAvern Storage Transition, i.e. the conversion of existing caverns and facilities in Etzel for the future necessary storage of hydrogen as a building block for a future energy system.

More on the project

Project start
Planned completion
Still days

up to 0 kg

Planned H2 filling

0 m³

Cubic metre hydrogen

0 kWh

Hydrogen energy content

0 m

Underground tubes

up to 90000

Planned H2 filling


Cubic metre hydrogen


Hydrogen energy content


Underground tubes

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STORAG ETZEL on ambitions for the switch to H2 storage at DE and EU level

STORAG ETZEL on ambitions for the switch to H2 storage at DE and EU level

The latest magazine from the Hydrogen Europe association analyses the importance of a strong H2 infrastructure for the market as a whole. Without storage facilities, among other things, this new sector cannot and will not flourish. Boris Richter from STORAG ETZEL talks about ambitions for the switch to hydrogen storage. “We can’t reach climate targets without hydrogen, this is obvious. We need the molecules. We will need hydrogen in the energy transition, and like the German federal ministry of…

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Hydrogen blowout ignitedThis is what it looks like when hydrogen burns in a controlled manner!

This is what it looks like when hydrogen burns in a controlled manner!

As part of our H2CAST project, we carried out tests in controlled manner to investigate whether self-ignition occurs when hydrogen is blown out and how ignition occurs. We tested various measurement techniques for hydrogen detection in practical field use.

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STORAG ETZEL honoured as partner of the local fire brigade

STORAG ETZEL honoured as partner of the local fire brigade

Last week, STORAG ETZEL GmbH from Friedeburg was honoured as a ‘Partner of the Fire Brigade’ by Stephan Manke, State Secretary in the Lower Saxony Ministry of the Interior and Sport, and Olaf Kapke, President of the Lower Saxony Fire Brigade Association (LFV).


During a ceremony in the guest house of the Lower Saxony state government in Hanover, a total of 23 Lower Saxony companies were honoured with the ‘Partner of the Fire Brigade’ sponsorship plaque. This award is intended to publicly…

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STORAG ETZEL residents' festival: A day for all generations - cheerful, colourful and informative!

STORAG ETZEL residents' festival: A day for all generations - cheerful, colourful and informative!

Blue skies, white pagoda tents and a beach feeling on the fairground at the information box in Etzel formed the backdrop for this year's STORAG ETZEL residents' festival. An estimated 600 to 800 guests of all generations came last Saturday and enjoyed a sunny day with atmospheric live music, information about the H2CAST project, delicious food and a colourful entertainment programme.

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Map of EWA-Pipeline (OGE)‘H2-ready’ pipeline from Etzel to Wardenburg: LBEG authorises EWA to start construction ahead of schedule

‘H2-ready’ pipeline from Etzel to Wardenburg: LBEG authorises EWA to start construction ahead of schedule

OGE is planning to extend the supra-regional long-distance gas transport system by building a pipeline from Etzel via Wardenburg to Drohne.

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Carsten ReekersPioneering work underground

Pioneering work underground

Carsten Reekers has been working at STORAG Etzel since 2008. He is the project manager for ‘H2CAST Etzel’ and when he talks about his work, the sentences just bubble out of him. It is clear to see that he is passionate about this project.

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Graphic Germany map hydrogen core network next to aerial view of the Etzel cavern facility.STORAG ETZEL's statement on the FNB's application for the hydrogen core network

STORAG ETZEL's statement on the FNB's application for the hydrogen core network

STORAG ETZEL welcomes the application by the FNB (association of the supra-regional gas transmission companies) to establish a hydrogen core network.

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Storage infrastructure as the cornerstone of a hydrogen economy - Up to 400 caverns needed by 2045

Storage infrastructure as the cornerstone of a hydrogen economy - Up to 400 caverns needed by 2045

The development of a hydrogen economy also requires a corresponding storage infrastructure. One possibility is underground caverns. Why the Etzel storage site in Lower Saxony is particularly suitable for this.


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Future project Jever-Berdum: Mining authority allocates the Maja licence field north of Jever to STORAG ETZEL

Future project Jever-Berdum: Mining authority allocates the Maja licence field north of Jever to STORAG ETZEL

As a mining company, STORAG ETZEL is regularly called upon to adapt to the market for energy storage solutions and to open up to new energy sources. The aim is to construct a new cavern field in the salt dome Jever-Berdum for storing gaseous renewable energies in the form of green hydrogen. The licence application for the "Maja" field in 2022/23 was the first step towards this goal under german mining law. The mining authority (LBEG) has now allocated the Maja permit field to STORAG Etzel GmbH…

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Gasunie and STORAG sign agreement for large-scale hydrogen storage in Germany

Gasunie and STORAG sign agreement for large-scale hydrogen storage in Germany

Gasunie and Patrizia/Storag Etzel want to develop hydrogen storage caverns in the Etzel salt dome in the German state of Lower Saxony. Gasunie and Storag Etzel announced this today during energy conference E-world in Essen. The aim, following a feasibility study, is to develop and operate a multi-cavity storage facility with a total capacity of up to 1 TWh of hydrogen. [press release: Gasunie]

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Conversion of caverns for hydrogen storage test operation carried out at H2CAST Etzel

Conversion of caverns for hydrogen storage test operation carried out at H2CAST Etzel

• Further step taken to convert existing caverns for the use of hydrogen in Etzel

• Leak tests will be carried out in the coming months

• Storage of hydrogen for test operation planned for 2024


Following the successful completion of the first leak test with hydrogen (H2) to assess the condition in spring this year, the work to convert the two H2CAST Etzel caverns for hydrogen storage from VT16 onwards was completed on schedule last week.

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STORAG ETZEL informed residents about the H2Cast project and the Wilhelmshaven Energy Hub

STORAG ETZEL informed residents about the H2Cast project and the Wilhelmshaven Energy Hub

STORAG ETZEL would like to present current topics at the Etzel site to interested citizens and residents of the Etzel cavern facility as part of a neighbourhood information event on 24 October 2023.

Main topics at the event will be the hydrogen pilot and research project "H2CAST Etzel" and regional development in the "Energy Hub - Port of Wilhelmshaven".

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Hydrogen pilot project H2CAST ETZEL: Work on converting caverns for hydrogen storage started as planned

Hydrogen pilot project H2CAST ETZEL: Work on converting caverns for hydrogen storage started as planned

- Further milestone for the conversion of existing caverns for the use of hydrogen in Etzel is being implemented as planned

- STORAG ETZEL: "Want to show that the existing facilities in the Etzel cavern field are suitable for hydrogen storage".

- Injection of 80 tons of hydrogen to begin in summer 2024

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STORAG ETZEL informs residents about the H2Cast project and the Wilhelmshaven Energy Hub

STORAG ETZEL informs residents about the H2Cast project and the Wilhelmshaven Energy Hub

STORAG ETZEL would like to present current topics at the Etzel site to interested citizens and residents of the Etzel cavern facility as part of a neighbourhood information event on 24 October 2023.

Main topics at the event will be the hydrogen pilot and research project "H2CAST Etzel" and regional development in the "Energy Hub - Port of Wilhelmshaven".

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Partner SOCON's tasks in the H2CAST project & project status

Partner SOCON's tasks in the H2CAST project & project status

Project partner report: Can existing caverns be easily converted to store hydrogen? To answer this question, a consortium formed in November 2022 and launched the H2 Cavern Storage Transition (H2CAST) project. [German article]

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Visit from Lower Saxony's Minister President Stephan Weil to STORAG ETZEL / H2CAST Etzel on 05.09.2023

Visit from Lower Saxony's Minister President Stephan Weil to STORAG ETZEL / H2CAST Etzel on 05.09.2023

Once again, high ranking visitors in the Infobox of STORAG ETZEL GmbH! The Minister President of Lower Saxony visited Etzel and was informed about the cavern facility, STORAG ETZEL and the progress of our ongoing H2CAST Etzel.

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The key to security of supply: energy storage - Interview with STORAG ETZEL

The key to security of supply: energy storage - Interview with STORAG ETZEL

The "Lower Saxony Hydrogen Network" in conversation with Boris Richter, STORAG ETZEL, on the importance of hydrogen storage for the energy transition [german article]

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H2CAST Etzel: Large-volume hydrogen storage within reach - article of STORAG ETZEL

H2CAST Etzel: Large-volume hydrogen storage within reach - article of STORAG ETZEL

"Make energy transition work": The first cavern is to be converted for hydrogen storage by the end of the year.

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Hydrogen Days Northwest 2023 have startedHydrogen Days Northwest 2023 have started at Etzel

Hydrogen Days Northwest 2023 have started at Etzel

Today, the starting signal was given at Etzel for the Hydrogen Days Northwest 2023, which will make the diverse applications of hydrogen accessible to a broad public until June 18, 2023.

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"Jever-Berdum cavern field project of the future": STORAG ETZEL supports the energy turnaround

"Jever-Berdum cavern field project of the future": STORAG ETZEL supports the energy turnaround

[Article in german] STORAG ETZEL submitted a mining licence application for securing the free mineral resources "potash and rock salts" for the Jever-Berdum salt dome to the mining authority.

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JadeWeserPort WilhelmshavenWilhelmshaven energy hub attracts industry

Wilhelmshaven energy hub attracts industry

(energate) Wilhelmshaven wants to become more than just a transhipment point for LNG, ammonia, hydrogen and CO2. "Apart from quite a lot of work, little has happened in our town, with regard to jobs and trade tax," criticised Lord Mayor Carsten Feist at a press event organised by the Initiative Zukunft Gas.

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Northwest prepares for hydrogen future

Northwest prepares for hydrogen future

-dpa- [Article in german] Wasserstoff ist der Energieträger der Zukunft - und beschäftigt den Nordwesten. Bremen soll 2025 an ein entsprechendes Transportnetz angeschlossen werden. Und in Ostfriesland gehen Unternehmen der Frage nach, wie sich das Gas speichern lässt.

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Infobox Events on 20.04.23 I Energy Logistics in the Northwest - Our Future: Oil, Gas AND Hydrogen!

Infobox Events on 20.04.23 I Energy Logistics in the Northwest - Our Future: Oil, Gas AND Hydrogen!

On 20 April 2023, STORAG ETZEL GmbH once again invites you to an event on the topic of "Energy Logistics in the Northwest" as part of the nationwide "Logistics Day" in the info box of the cavern info centre at the Etzel site. As part of a multimedia presentation, interested visitors can learn more about the background to the construction of caverns in Etzel. Furthermore, the energy logistics, i.e. storing and retrieving of energy sources, will be explained. This will be followed by a tour of the…

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Gasunie becomes H2CAST partnerGasunie and STORAG ETZEL team up in hydrogen storage in Germany

Gasunie and STORAG ETZEL team up in hydrogen storage in Germany

Gasunie is to become partner in H2CAST, the hydrogen storage pilot project in the Etzel caverns in the German state of Lower Saxony. This was announced today by STORAG ETZEL and Gasunie. For Gasunie, this participation is a first step towards developing hydrogen storage facilities in Germany.

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First preparatory leak test and material testsFirst preparatory leak test and material tests

First preparatory leak test and material tests

Another milestone reached in the research project: First preparatory leak test and material tests with hydrogen at cavern in Etzel.

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50 years of supply security through oil and gas storage in Etzel - Our future: oil, gas AND hydrogen!

50 years of supply security through oil and gas storage in Etzel - Our future: oil, gas AND hydrogen!

The Etzel cavern facility is located in the middle of the North German energy hub about 20 kilometres southwest of Wilhelmshaven, with a connection to Germany's only deep-water port located there.

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Map pipeline route from Etzel to WilhelmshavenTransmission operator Gasunie and OGE together with STORAG ETZEL are investigating the further development of the existing pipeline route from Etzel to Wilhelmshaven for gas transport in the "SEAL" project

Transmission operator Gasunie and OGE together with STORAG ETZEL are investigating the further development of the existing pipeline route from Etzel to Wilhelmshaven for gas transport in the "SEAL" project

Due to the current geopolitical situation, it is the declared goal of the German government to make Germany independent of Russian energy imports as quickly as possible.

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Socon measurement hydrogen cavernReport from project partner SOCON: First measurements in hydrogen successfully carried out

Report from project partner SOCON: First measurements in hydrogen successfully carried out

In the hydrogen caverns existing worldwide (Great Britain and USA), direct measurements in hydrogen have never been carried out so far.

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Anniversary celebration storag etzel, aerial viewHydrogen Days Northwest make you want more

Hydrogen Days Northwest make you want more

For ten days, the metropolitan regions of Northwest and Hamburg put the energy carrier hydrogen in the spotlight – H2CAST Etzel was part of the event series!

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Marco Zobel"Hydrogen can be a wunderkind"

"Hydrogen can be a wunderkind"

Interview with Marco Zobel – chemical engineer accompanying the research project at Storag Etzel.

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Aerial view cavern facilityHydrogen Days Northwest

Hydrogen Days Northwest

Presentation of the hydrogen pilot project "H2CAST Etzel" by the project partners on 02.07.2022.

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Salt drill core in showcase at the Hanover FairDLR: All about hydrogen research

DLR: All about hydrogen research

Institute for Networked Energy Systems (DLR) presents current research topics at Hannover Messe 2022.

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STORAG ETZEL presented project H2CAST Etzel at event of the Lower Saxony Hydrogen Network

STORAG ETZEL presented project H2CAST Etzel at event of the Lower Saxony Hydrogen Network

Boris Richter, Commercial Director of STORAG ETZEL presented the R&D hydrogen project "H2CAST Etzel" on 08.06.2022 at the event "Northwest Lower Saxony - Foundation for Supply Security and Transformation".

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Photo of the well-attended event in EtzelInformation event H2CAST & presentation of regional development project plans

Information event H2CAST & presentation of regional development project plans

STORAG ETZEL information event on H2CAST and presentation of regional development project plans. Joint event of STORAG ETZEL and Energy Hub - Port of Wilhelmshaven.

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Wellhead technology for hydrogen caverns

Wellhead technology for hydrogen caverns

With the start of the North German pilot project "H2Cast Etzel", an optimal design of the hydrogen-compatible wellheads will be developed with the project partner Hartmann Valves.

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STORAG ETZEL as part of the "ENERGY-HUB PORT OF WILHELMSHAVEN" was an active participant of the kick-off event on "National Topics of the "Energiewende" in Berlin

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Group picture after handing over the funding decisions in EtzelFirst section of H2CAST Etzel launched

First section of H2CAST Etzel launched

The first phase of the H2 pilot project "H2CAST Etzel" starts - the R&D project will initially run until the end of 2024.

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Wilhelmshaven hydrogen capital

Wilhelmshaven hydrogen capital

Joint initiative of 14 companies drives development of Wilhelmshaven into hydrogen capital. DENA study to show ways to become an H2 hub.

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Here you will find the latest news and press releases about the H2CAST ETZEL project as well as our media centre with press material (photos and graphics) for download.


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Project Partners

STORAG ETZEL GmbH are the biggest independent provider of cavern storage capacity in Germany. We are proud to make our contribution to the safety of energy supply and gas grid stability in Germany and Northwestern Europe. At Etzel, East Frisia, we are constructing, operating and leasing caverns for the purpose of bulk storage of crude oil and natural gas since 1971. We want to position the site for the future and make it H2-ready as part of the H2CAST project. The cavern site Etzel is situated on the North German energy hub near Wilhelmshaven, with a connection to the deep water port.

Our customers are well known energy trading companies as well as Europeans stockpiling organizations. A major part of the German oil stockpiling obligation is stored in our caverns here at Etzel. Beyond the currently existing 75 caverns, further storage cavities within the Etzel salt dome can be created in total. There is an expansion potential up to 99 cavern locations.


Gasunie – crossing borders in energy

Gasunie is a European energy-infrastructure company. Gasunie’s network is one of the largest high-pressure pipeline networks in Europe, comprising over 17,000 kilometres of pipeline in the Netherlands and northern Germany. Gasunie provides natural and green gas transport services through its subsidiaries, Gasunie Transport Services B.V. (GTS) in the Netherlands and Gasunie Deutschland in Germany. With its cross-border gas infrastructure and services, Gasunie facilitates TTF, which has become the leading European gas trading point. Gasunie also provides other gas infrastructure services, including gas storage and LNG.

Gasunie wants to help accelerate the transition to a CO2-neutral energy supply and believes that gas-related innovations, for instance in the form of renewable gases such as hydrogen and green gas, can make an important contribution. Both existing and new gas infrastructure play a key role here. Gasunie also plays an active part in the development of other energy infrastructure to support the energy transition.


DEEP.KBB GmbH, based in Bad Zwischenahn and Hannover, is one of the leading service companies in the field of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbon storage in the geological subsurface in Europe. DEEP.KBB has over 50 years of international experience in the field of underground storage. DEEP.KBB is significantly involved in the design, construction and operation of underground storage facilities in salt rock for the storage of natural gas, mineral oil, gas and oil products, as well as storage of renewable energy, especially compressed air and hydrogen. The main focus of DEEP.KBB's services in the underground sector is on the disciplines of geology, rock mechanics, drilling and completion technology, thermodynamics, solution mining, mechanical integrity tests, cavern flooding, gas filling and reservoir engineering.


The Institute of Networked Energy Systems was incorporated into the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in June 2017. The primary research objective of the three scientific departments Urban and Residential Technologies, Energy System Technologies and Energy Systems Analysis is to ensure the development of technologies and concepts for managing the energy transition. The Institute currently employs around 170 staff at two locations in Oldenburg and Stuttgart.


Hartmann Valves GmbH is a supplier of special ball valves, wellheads and related service and testing. The medium-sized family-owned company is managed by the third generation and employs 200 people at its German sites in Celle and Burgdorf. Thanks to decades of international experience in the oil & gas, storage technology and (petro)chemical industries, Hartmann Valves is a sought-after pioneering partner for the switch to renewable energies - both in the field of deep geothermal energy and in solutions for applications and underground storage of hydrogen.


For more than 30 years, the Chair of Geomechanics and Multi-Physical Systems at Clausthal University of Technology has been working on the stability and tightness of salt caverns for storage of energy raw materials such as natural gas and crude oil, for compressed air energy storage and for brine production. The verification of stability and tightness is based on extensive and complex numerical calculations, in which the caverns and the cavern operation pattern are simulated according to real conditions. The chair has one of the world's most efficient rock physics laboratories with more than 25 triaxial testing facilities for the analysis of the thermal-mechanical-hydraulic coupled material behavior of the rock mass. For the performance of its tasks in research and teaching, the chair has an extensively equipped laboratory (currently 25 rock mechanical testing facilities), a powerful computer pool and various numerical program systems.


SOCON Sonar Control Kavernenvermessung GmbH, based in Giesen (district of Hildesheim), is a globally active service company and specializes in the surveillance of caverns, boreholes and underground cavities using engineering surveying techniques. It has around 80 employees and can look back on over 50 years of experience in the field of echometric cavern surveying. All essential components of the tools, measurement and evaluation systems originate from the company's own research and development department.
