Hydrogen Days Northwest

Presentation of the hydrogen pilot project "H2CAST Etzel" by the project partners on 02.07.2022
The presentation of the "H2CAST Etzel" pilot project as part of the celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the Etzel cavern facility is primarily intended for residents and neighbours of our site as well as those interested in the topic of hydrogen storage in caverns. It serves to provide information on all aspects of cavern construction and operation. In addition to the organiser, STORAG ETZEL GmbH, the exhibitors at the information day include those involved in the project as well as many service providers in the industry who are involved in cavern construction and operation in Etzel. The information programme will be framed by bus tours, a gastronomic offer and the presence of regional associations.
12:00 h
STORAG ETZEL GmbH - Etzel cavern facility, Infobox, Beim Postweg 2, 26446 Friedeburg, Germany.

About the event series "Hydrogen Days Northwest from 24.06.2022 to 03.07.2022 of the Metropolitan Region Northwest in which STORAG ETZEL is participating:
The Northwest on the road to decarbonisation
Hydrogen may be the lightest of all elements, but in terms of its potential applications it is a real heavyweight: hydrogen can store energy and thus offers a means of conserving solar and wind energy. But it can also be used as an alternative drive in the mobility sector or replace fossil fuels in industry. As synthetic natural gas, hydrogen can also be transported directly to consumers through the existing gas grid.
We in the Northwest have the ideal infrastructural and economic conditions for the production, storage and transport of hydrogen.
From 24 June to 3 July 2022, regional players in the metropolitan regions of Northwest and Hamburg will offer an insight into their hydrogen activities. A colourful mix of diverse and varied event formats and excursions is planned, as well as a roadshow with hydrogen vehicles.
Most of the events will take place in the presence of people - if the infection situation permits - although digital offerings will of course also be part of the event repertoire.
Further information and registration options for the events can be found at: